Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Incoming! New Year's Eve 2014 Update

It's about time! (Check out the pic). What's your guess?  Winner gets a prize!

Word to the Warriors...Um...just be fast in 2015! ... Yeah 

God bless ya'll Warrior Nation! Thank you so much for all your prayer, encouragement and support. It means more than words can do justice to. God blew us away with so many surprises in 2014, including a record # of camps, and camp ministry opportunity in Africa! Praise God! haha! It's way bigger than us, and only He can do that! 

He is doing His thing, and our team (another blessing from Him) is amped up about seeing His fame continue to grow and spread in this generation in 2015 as boys are inspired and equipped to be young men after His own heart! 

I hope you all have a Happy New Year and God bless you and your family!

For Jesus' Fame,

Joshua 1:9
Isaiah 43:19

Friday, December 26, 2014


From: Salmon, Idaho.

Hello Warrior Nation!

I hope you had a joy-filled Christmas celebrating Jesus coming to earth! If you didn't get the chance yet, check out all the wonder, awe, and powerful truth packed into Luke 2! I'd love to hear how it impacts you.

Much like Christmas elves, Warrior Camp is at full-throttle, and the proverbial steam is pouring from the chimneys of the Warrior Camp Game Laboratories as we gear up for 2015. 

Here's what's happened this year, and, God willing, what's on the horizon moving forward (and feel free to comment below :)

1. We've partnered with a Christian youth camp in Indiana, and they would like us to equip them with a signature Warrior Camp Weapon Workshop, complete with all the materials, info, tutorials and gear to allow their campers to build 115 gaming swords for July 2015. Were excited about this opportunity, and the prep has already begun!  More later :)

2. New Gaming Weapon Coming Soon! We're in the early phases of researching, developing, and creating a brand new Gaming Weapon for Warrior Camp that has been on the radar, but that we haven't tackled yet. God willing, it will be ready by Summer 2015, and each boy will get to customize their own, use it in the Battle Games, and take it home with them following Warrior Camp. Stay tuned for details!

3. This year for Warrior Camp 2014, after weeks of crazy trial and error, we had the opportunity to aim for creating a new, 2nd Generation Advanced Blow Gun with superior ammo, performance, and accuracy. God blessed our efforts, and in His amazing timing, He opened up a door for us to take this new game gear overseas in February 2014, on a strategic Christian mission trip, and partner with local Christian youth leaders for 2 Warrior Camps in Senegal, Africa.  On a dirt soccer field in a residential area of Dakar Senegal, and in a country that is over 90% muslim, young boys and teens heard the gospel of Jesus Christ in their own language! How do you describe something God does that leaves us speechless? Only God can orchestrate it, and if you have the chance to go on a local, regional, or foreign mission trip of any kind, there's no telling what He'll do. Since our team has returned to America, we've received emailed pictures of Christian ministry workers using the donated blow guns to play games with local Senegalese kids! God is doing His thing around the world, and we're excited about more and more young kids and teens hearing the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ!

Thank you so much for your encouragement, prayer, and support! We're excited about God's vision for this generation of boys and teens to know Jesus Christ personally, and grow as young men after His own heart.  May God bless you and your family as we countdown to 2015!

For His fame,

Luke 2